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What We Do

We provide recycling and disposal services to Vernon County residents and municipalities. 

We operate one of a few "source separated" recycling programs in the State of Wisconsin. A "source separated" program is operated by having residents sort their recyclable materials into bins for each of the materials. We provide recycling dumpsters with separate compartments for tin, glass, plastics, paper, and cardboard to most of the Towns in Vernon County. We pick these containers up and bring them back to the Vernon County Recycling Facility for additional sorting and baling.  These materials are sorted to remove unrecyclable materials and then baled and shipped to facilities that will turn the material into new products. By keeping the materials separate from "source (you)" to shipment we are able to provide a very minimally contaminated product to the end user. This results in better commodity pricing for these materials and we are able to provide these recycling services to residents and municipalities at no charge. 
In 2020, we received an award from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for Overall Recycling Program Excellence. As one of the last "source separated" programs in the state we were able to weather a very turbulent time for the recycling markets and managed to maintain our free program. Thank you to our dedicated staff, residents, site attendants, and participating municipalities for all of your work in making our program a state recognized success!
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Other Recycling Services
Along with the standard tin, glass, paper, cardboard, and plastics recycling we also provide electronics, appliance, bulb, battery, automotive fluid, scrap metal, tire and mattress recycling services. We work with several providers around Wisconsin and are able to provide these services at cost for residents and municipalities.  

Solid Waste Disposal
Along with our recycling program we also operate an approximately 10 acre municipal landfill. We take in roughly 16,000 ton of waste per year for disposal and provide various disposal programs for our residents. Having our own disposal facility allows us to aid in flood debris cleanups at minimal costs to residents and communities, safe deer carcass disposal, and allow for residential drop-off of unwanted materials. 
