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Citizen Complaints

The Vernon County Sheriff's Office takes seriously all complaints regarding the service provided by the Office and the conduct of its members. Below is a link to view the Office's Personnel Complaints Policy as well as the Citizen Complaint Form. The Office will accept and address all complaints of misconduct in accordance with policy and applicable federal, state, and local laws, municipal and county rules, and the requirements of any collective bargaining or employment agreements. It is also the policy of this office to ensure that the community can report misconduct without concern for reprisal or retaliation. Individuals from the public may make complaints in any form, including in writing, by email, in person, or by telephone.

Please note that pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 946.66(2) an individual who knowingly makes a false complaint regarding the conduct of a law enforcement officer is subject to a Class A forfeiture.

Policy 1010: Personnel Complaints

Citizen Complaint Form