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Manure Storage

Along with a nutrient management plan, many farmers use manure storage structures and barnyard runoff controls to improve manure management and protect water quality. Storage allows manure to be safely stockpiled until conditions are environmentally safe for spreading. Runoff controls such as diversions, rain gutters, settling basins and filter strips keep clean water from flowing over manure-covered areas and clean up runoff water before it reaches a waterway.

Cost-Share and Land Conservation Assistance:
We encourage Producers to use NRCS Funding for manure storage, as these are very costly structures. Cost-Share is a flat rate payment, but generally comes close to 70%. We are able to help with the bidding process, which often helps to bring the cost down because of more aggressive bidding from contractors. Sometimes your cost can be far less than the 30% remainder, but it is hard to predict how bids would come in.

Manure Storage requires a lot of pre-planning and is a multi-year process. Getting manure Storage approved and funded is realistically a three year process.

Typical steps are as follows:

1st year-sign up for Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) through NRCS EQIP program.
Have CNMP completed (including an engineer “walkover”)
Have Soil test investigation of manure storage site completed. This is your cost to have a backhoe dig a number of 16 ft pits, our department (Vernon LWCD) will perform soils investigations free of charge but must be prearranged.

2nd year- Work with our department and DATCP engineer to survey and design manure storage system.
Sign up for Manure Storage and associated practices through NRCS EQIP.
Get manure storage permit through Vernon LWCD. (Nutrient Management Plan Required)
LWCD will assist with bidding process on manure storage construction

3rd year-Manure pit construction,
Cost-share payments of completed practices
Cost-share is reimbursed after all work has all been completed and approved. You must be able to cover the costs and make arrangements with the contractor(s) for payment until the reimbursement is available.

Waste Facility Closure
Manure Storage Ordinance
Waste Storage Facility