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Emergency Preparedness


What does Emergency Management do during disaster?
We manage resources for large emergencies or disaster events within Vernon County by obtaining resources requested by incident commanders for the response to those events. We coordinate recovery and mitigation activities following disasters. This also includes possibly opening the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which is a hub of where all information flows through during a disaster. Response and recovery efforts are coordinated through the EOC.

What does Emergency Management do when there are no disaster related needs?
Planning, preparedness and mitigation are the focus in non-disaster times. We work with businesses, organizations and government agencies to develop emergency plans and response strategies. We develop and facilitate training drills and exercises to test those plans.  We also spend time giving presentations or sponsoring special training/presentations on various subjects related to emergency and disaster event needs.

For more preparedness information on Severe Weather, Flooding, Tornadoes, Heat/Cold  awareness, and pets you can go to