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Options Counseling

The ADRC of Vernon County can provide Information and Assistance about local services and resources.

Assistance in finding services to match your needs

  • In-home care
  • Housekeeping and chore services
  • Home modifications, safety and maintenance
  • Health (healthy lifestyles, management of chronic conditions, dementia, etc)
  • Respite
  • Transportation
  • Nutrition, home delivered meals
  • Housing, including senior and low income housing
  • Assisted Living, nursing homes and other long term care facilities
  • Financial assistance (e.g., Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid and other benefit programs)
  • Legal issues (guardianship, power of attorney, client rights advocacy)
  • Abuse, neglect and financial exploitation
  • Mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, crisis intervention
  • Employment, vocational services, volunteer work
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Other

Long Term Care Options Counseling
The ADRC of Vernon County can provide information about the choices you have when making decisions about where to live, what kind of help you need, where to receive that care and help, and how to pay for it.

One-on-one consultation to help you think through the pros and cons of the various options in light of your situation, values, resources and preferences.
Information about Wisconsin’s long term care programs and help connect you to resources in your area.